DevOps Engineers Salaries in Queensland


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164,759 /yr

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Cities in Queensland with the Most Jobs for DevOps Engineers

Here are the top 6 cities in Queensland with the most jobs for DevOps Engineers and the average yearly salary in each:

CompTool's Squirrel includes 19 jobs postings for DevOps Engineers in cities across Queensland.

Latest DevOps Engineers Jobs

Discover the latest competitive salaries for DevOps Engineers in Queensland.

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Companies With Most Job Postings in Queensland For DevOps Engineers

If you're looking for a diverse range of job opportunities, consider exploring positions at these companies, which have a significant number of DevOps Engineers job postings in Queensland:


Here are some frequently asked questions related to DevOps Engineers job postings and salaries in Queensland:

Q What qualifications are required to become a DevOps Engineer in Queensland?
A To become a DevOps Engineer in Queensland, one often needs a combination of formal education in computer science or a related field, industry certifications, and practical experience in software development or systems administration. Knowledge of various DevOps practices and tools as well as skills in programming, automation, and cloud services are also commonly required.
Q What are the typical job responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer in Queensland?
A A DevOps Engineer in Queensland is typically responsible for automating and integrating the processes between software development and IT teams. They work on development pipelines, oversee code releases, manage infrastructure, implement scaling and automation, monitor system performance, and work collaboratively with various stakeholders to improve development and operational activities.
Q How can one find DevOps Engineer job openings in Queensland?
A Job openings for DevOps Engineers in Queensland can be found through various channels, including online job boards, company career pages, recruitment agencies, professional networking sites, industry meetups, and conferences. Staying updated with DevOps and tech communities and engaging with professional networks may also uncover opportunities in the field.
Q What is the career progression for a DevOps Engineer in Queensland?
A Career progression for a DevOps Engineer in Queensland may involve advancing to more senior roles such as Senior DevOps Engineer, DevOps Architect, or Release Manager. Professionals may also transition into related roles like Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) or move into management positions, such as leading a team of engineers or becoming a head of IT Operations. Continuous learning and staying abreast of new technologies and methodologies are crucial for career advancement in the DevOps field.

List of Job Postings for DevOps Engineers in Queensland

Explore our extensive list of DevOps Engineers job postings in Queensland. Whether you're seeking your first job or considering a career move, you'll find a diverse range of opportunities. Click on the job titles to access more details and application links.

19 Job Postings
DevOps Engineers in Queensland
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