
Squirrel is the only real-time wage and salary tracking tool using employer-reported salaries from job postings. With more than 40-million job postings with employer-reported pay, Squirrel provides one of the most detailed sources of wage data available, in the US and around the globe.  

Scrum Master

Supplement Your Salary Surveys

Squirrel provides the most current and detailed look at what is happening in the local labor market. Combining Squirrel with salary surveys gives your compensation team the most holistic and comprehensive view of the labor market.

real-time data

Squirrel data is fresh.  We add 10s of thousands of news jobs every day.  

search by location

With more than 10M data points, we’ve probably got data in your city.

search by job content

Find jobs that are similar to your own by searching and reviewing the job postings. 


Compare your roles and pay to other companies similar to your own. 

Knowing how quickly hiring rangs are moving is one of the best leading indicators to prepare for compression, attrition and retention challenges.  

Track wage growth

With Squirrel, you can visualize the growth of hiring wages every month.

seasonal pressures

Review multi-years to analyze when seasonal pressures influence wagess.

monitor remote work

Track the number of jobs posted that allow for remote work.  This is especially useful for tech jobs!

Market Data Movement for Warehouse Associates
Competitive Pay in the Seattle Market

Hyper Regional Analysis

Squirrel allows you to track where the jobs are, who is hiring, and how much they are paying

where are the jobs?

Squirrel has more than 40 million jobs, allowing you to dig into specific cities. 

who is hiring?

Need to know exactly what your competitors are paying for similar roles?  Only with Squirrel.

what are they paying?

Unlike a salary survey, which must be anonymous, Squirrel uses publicly available data and can show exactly what your specific Organization are paying for new talent. 

who offers remote?

Understanding organizations that are offering remote opportunities can give you a keen understanding of non-local competitors.  

Geographic Pay Analysis

Use Squirrel’s more than 10-million wage and salary data points across the US to determine wage differences in pay markets.  

City level analysis

Use Squirrel to analyze pay, by job, in various cities across the United States to ensure competitive pay. 

pay differentials

Understand how region and location impacts pay across the United States.  

set geo pay ranges

Using our Geographic differentials report, develop more meaningful and accurate pay bands, by location.   


What data is in Squirrel?

Pay transparency has given the Compensation Administrator a new data solution. Squirrel adds 80,000 – 100,000 publicly available job postings with employer reported salary ranges every day.

How accurate is the data?

We utilize several methodologies to validate the data and remove jobs that are outliers, inaccurate postings, duplicates and jobs with estimated pay ranges. Since there is no black-box, and the data comes straight from the source, Squirrel data is as accurate as the data advertised by employers and you can review each data point exactly as it was posted.  

How can we use Squirrel Data?

Squirrel, when coupled with your salary surveys provides the most comprehensive view of the market.  One of the most effective ways to use Squirrel is to have access to the most current data, and to validate the accuracy your salary surveys.  

What about Safe Harbor?

The Department of Justice published the Antitrust Guidance for Human Resource Professionals, the guide states that a violation may occur if an exchange of non-public material is made between agencies. Squirrel uses only publicly available data. We have hundreds of customers including several fortune 100 companies but we encourage your to discuss the use of Squirrel with your own legal team.

Is Squirrel a Salary Survey?

Squirrel is not a salary survey, nor do we suggest it replace your salary surveys. Salary surveys are carefully developed data sources that are critical for all compensation pracitioners.  However, surveys are limited, by safe harbor to be 90 days old, anonymous, and managed by a third party.  Squirrel provides real-time data

What sources does Squirrel pull data from?

Squirrel pulls data from publicly available sources, including both aggregated job boards and employer job boards.  

Does Squirrel have every job posting?

Squirrel has more than 25-million job postings, and adds between 80,000 and 100,000 every day. That’s more job data salary surveys have, however Squirrel’s data still remains a sample of the market, and not every job posting is going to be captured by Squirrel, for a variety of reasons ranging from quality checks to data collection processes we employ.  

How do we clean the Squirrel data?
  1. Duplicate entries are removed, even if the same job is found on multiple job boards.  
  2. Job postings with extremely wide ranges are excluded.
  3. Only jobs with actual rates of pay are included. Job postings with estimated rates of pay are excluded from the Squirrel database.  
  4. Users have the ability to remove statistical outliers from their datasets as they conduct searches.  
  5. The data must include a number of fields, such as rate of pay, location, job descriptions, and company name to be included in the Squirrel database.