Two teams wearing competitive pay jerseys
Competitive pay is a cornerstone responsibility of the Compensation Analyst. This article explores what both the employees and employers must consider with the highly personal topic.
What is Imputed Income? Imputed income refers to the value of benefits or non-cash compensation that […]
comp analyst looking at money
Most compensation analysts never sought out to be one. Learn more about this career choice, including responsibilities, skills and pay.
Understanding the Employee Burden Rate: A Comprehensive Guide for HR Professionals What is a Burden Rate? […]
Compa-Ratio Compa-Ratio is one of the most common metrics used by compensation professionals. As pay transparency […]
In today’s competitive job market, a growing phenomenon known as “pay compression” is creating unique challenges […]
Dreaming of Salary Structures
A Guide for Creating a Salary Structure A salary structure is an effective tool for an […]
Position in Range or Compa-Ratio
Ladies and gentlemen, gather around for the ultimate showdown in the world of employee pay! In the left corner, we have the steadfast and established Compa-Ratio, a seasoned veteran in assessing salaries. In the right corner, we have the versatile and enigmatic Position-in-Range, a contender looking to prove its mettle. It's time to see which of these two titans will reign supreme!
I was asked to speak at the NECC about Pay Transparency and how companies are handling […]